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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月1日 《世界中医药》 20203
     摘要 目的:探究以中药外治方法治疗腹泻的临床用药特点。方法:搜索中国知网中临床研究文献,归纳文献中的用药疗程、用药时间、用药频率、剂型、赋形剂、用药剂量、给药方式,总结中药临床外治腹泻的用药特点与规律、不良反应。将临床文献中含有腹泻外治的中药处方录入Excel表,建立数据库,并应用Clementine12.0、Excel统计软件进行数据分析。结果:腹泻临床外治中药一般为吴茱萸、丁香、肉桂、白术、黄连等;以温里药、补虚药、清热药为主;常用药对为肉桂-丁香、吴茱萸-丁香等。给药方式主要有外敷法、灌肠法;给药频率主要为1~3次/d;用药时间多为在0≤t≤1 h、6 h
    关键词 腹泻;临床;外治;外用;数据挖掘;用药规律;关联规则;用药特点

    Abstract Objective:To explore clinical medication characteristics of Chinese materia medica to treat diarrhea externally.Methods:Clinical research literature in CNKI was retrieved.The course of medication,medication time,frequency of medication,dosage form,excipient,dosage and administration methods in the literature were concluded.Clinical medication characteristics and rules,as well as adverse reactions in treating diarrhea externally by Chinese materia medica were summarized.Prescriptions of Chinese materia medica for external treatment of diarrhea in the clinical literature were recorded into Excel,and a database was established.Clementine 12.0 and Excel statistical software were used for data analysis.Results:Medicines in the clinically external treatment of diarrhea were Fructus Evodiae,Flos Caryophylli,Cortex Cinnamomi,Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae,Rhizoma Coptidis,etc.It was mainly composed of interior-warming medicines,deficiency-tonifying medicines and heat-clearing medicines.Commonly used medicine pairs were Cortex Cinnamomi-Flos Caryophylli,Fructus Evodiae-Flos Caryophylli,and so on.The administration methods included external application and enema.The frequency of medication ranged mainly 1 time/d-3 times /d.The medication time was mostly 0 ≤ n ≤ 1 h and 6 h < n ≤ 12 h.The course of medication was usually within 1 month,mainly 1-7 d.The excipients were mainly vinegar,wine and water.Conclusion:The results of the survey were statistically analyzed to provide theoretical support for standardization of the external use of Chinese materia medica,and improve clinical efficacy of external treatment in diarrhea.
, 百拇医药
    Keywords Diarrhea; Clinical; External treatment; External use; Data mining; Medication rules; Association rules; Characteristics of medication


    腹泻是多因素引起的以排便次数异常增多、大便性状改变为临床表现的一种疾病[1-2]。临床腹泻有急性腹泻、迁延性腹泻、慢性腹泻,感染与非感染性腹泻之分。其中,感染性腹泻以肠道外感染,病毒、细菌、寄生虫等致病微生物所致,食物过敏、饮食不当、滥用抗生素、气候骤变等是非感染性腹泻的致病因素。慢性腹泻可造成水电解质紊乱、营养不良、酸碱平衡失调、甚至死亡等不良后果[3-5]。临床统计表明小儿腹泻发病率极高,多见于脾胃虚弱及消化功能减退,是儿科疾病中不可忽视的重要疾病[6]。目前,西医临床着重于对腹泻型肠易激综合征相关症状的缓解,达到止痛止泻的目的,并无特效药[7]。中医《黄帝内经》中腹泻为“濡泻”“飧泄”“注泄”,其发病因素多为感受外邪、饮食所伤、情志失调、脾胃虚弱、肾阳虚衰。目前,中医治疗腹泻方法分为外治法和内治法。内治法从中医辨证症型进行治疗,外治法以针刺、灸法、穴位敷贴、中药灌肠等方法进行治疗。因此,根据临床病例总结中医外治腹泻的用药特点,挖掘用药规律,可指导临床外治用药,进一步探讨临床腹泻外治的高效思路与方法,对临床治疗腹泻具有重要意义。, http://www.100md.com(雷会霞 白明 苗明三)
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